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Sunday, September 16, 2007

National Super Hero Day

It's national super hero day.Today you thank your super pals for saving the day like thanking Spider-Man for beating up Doctor Octopus or some thing like that. Click the video below to watch Dash Attack1 and 2!


Theresa Rohrer said...

Very Tight!
You're really starting to get those sound effects down! Did you guys record new voices or are those from garage band the other day? If it's a new recording... How did you do it? Amazing! But next time I would suggest more music, I really liked the credit music. Maybe some fight music would be nice. Yeah... fight music.

Theresa Rohrer said...

oh, and happy thank your local super hero day!

but you've seemed to have missed national talk like a national pirate day, it was yesterday. Or was it the day before yesterday?